An Anatomy of a Pre-Order

Now that the Blackberry Blossom Bay pre-order is completed, I've been asked a few times when we'll be getting this in your hot little hands. And I must say, the eagerness is flattering. We're shooting for an early April ship date, but it's hard to say an exact time frame. 

Why is that? Glad you asked!

After the pre-order completed, I calculated the amount of fragrance needed to fulfill the orders and ordered it. The last of which is scheduled to come in on Tuesday, March 21. I will blend the fragrance immediately, then ship the fragrance for the soap down to Georgia while beginning work on the Chatillon Lux products. After L&L Grooming makes the soap and lets it cure (and also performs whatever magical incantations that Scott uses to make his wonderful soap), he will ship the soaps up to me in Missouri. Upon arrival, I will sort out all the orders and begin shipping them out.

As you can see, there are a lot of moving parts and a heavy dependence on the USPS to stay on schedule. Plus, since I have a full-time job, I will be working through the nights and the weekends to get everything out as quickly as possible, but I've learned the hard way that there are only so many hours in the day. I will be enlisting help (aka guilting my girlfriend into helping), so we will hopefully be able to turn this around quickly. 

Overall, I want to thank everyone for their orders and their enthusiasm. As we approach our second anniversary, I never would have expected such growth. It really makes it all worth it to hear from so many eager, well-groomed people. Thanks so much!

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